To preview the upcoming year of Troop events 'at a glance'<Click here> Did you know you can sync the Troop calendar with your Apple, Android, Outlook, iCal, Yahoo or Windows device? <Click here> to learn how!*
I wanted to highlight this time-sensitive fundraising opportunity. Parents and youth ages 16+ can volunteer this fall to work a Kings Island FUNdraising event during Fall Festival!
Each shift covers either a day or evening time slot on an upcoming Saturday (or one Sunday evening option). Each volunteer will earn the troop account $15.50/hr with a $1/hr bonus for evening shifts. This money helps fund new camping gear, trailer maintenance, youth training scholarships, required adult registration fees, etc.
The interest survey on is being extended until September 20, so if you are available and interested, please rsvp to the survey <here> and list your date(s) of availability in the 'comments' column. The survey will close on September 20 so we can secure our preferred date. More information on the volunteer shifts and the poll can be found on
DBC is hosting IOLS this fall from 7pm Friday October 11 to Saturday evening 7 pm October 12 (includes an overnight) at Camp Craig. This hands-on course is designed to provide you with the skills and knowledge needed to assist scouts in achieving First Class Rank. It is required for SM/ASMs and strongly encourage for our registered adult leaders participating in Troop outdoor events and overnights. Course includes meals, campsite and training materials. $0 for DBC registered adults. To sign-up <Click here>.
To complete your on-line course on Hazardous Weather Training visit to find it under 'Expanded Learning/Program Safety'.
Looking for a fun way to earn service hours this fall? Join our group of T635 volunteers at Spook-o-Ree on 10/26. We'll register as a unit so <click here> to add your name to the list. As thanks, DBC presents helpers with lunch, a t-shirt and event patch (plus you earn volunteer service hours!). Sign-ups for our group close on Oct 1.
It's that time again! Hurry and order your 2024 Winter Bushwhack Hike patch commemorating 41 years of tradition before it's too late. Patches are $9 each. Orders must be placed by September 20th. <Click here> for hike details and patch image.
Join us at Sea Base! We have three open spots remaining for our 2025 Sea Base High Adventure trip. For info and to register <Click here>. If spots go unfilled we'll open it up to scouts and scouters outside the troop. Pass word along to your scouting friends!